This post is a little late, but better late than never…it’s been sitting in my drafts page, lonely and sad.  So I guess it’s time to see the light of day… February dinner was at Mandola’s Italian which is delicious.  This dinner was especially wonderful for me because my mom was in town and came to share the experience – which everyone enjoyed. Here’s a tiny food/restaurant review…Everyone devoured what they had, although the Caprice Salad was just a bit heavy on the oil…EVERYTHING else was great – my Mom – who everyone calls Doe (my daughter was the first grandkid, and that was her name for her.  So it stuck.  Now EVERYONE calls my mom (who’s real name is Sue) DOE.)  Doe and I shared the Lasagna and had some left over it was a good-sized portion.  Kirby, Kelly, Dina and Blessing all had Pizza which looked great.  If you go to Mandola’s and order the Fried mozzarella – expect a massive order – very large and tasty.  Susan and John had the Tortellini – both large portions that they said were delicious.  I keep trying to remember to take pictures of the food before we eat, but forget.  Until after.  So here is how much we all loved Mandola’s.

OK, on to the conversation.  We talked a bit about Past Life stuff, Near Death Experiences, how Psychic Abilities run in families.  Lacey had something pretty amazing happen regarding one of her pendulums, hopefully she’ll chime in here and add the experience her in the comments.  Sadly, since this post has been sitting around for a couple of months I can’t remember much more about what all happened.  I’m asking for a little help here, and hope some of my other members will help fill in the gaps.  Nowadays a few months ago seems like years.  Also, it was a little loud at Mandola’s so the conversation split up a couple of times, into two or three, which is totally cool when it happens.  The dinners are always evolving.  Everyone that is supposed to connect does.  And we’ve even gotten to where we meet outside of the dinners, different people just gravitate to each other.  So if you come and don’t get to connect the way you’d like to with someone that night, no worries – we’re connected outside of the dinners too.  And of course, there’s always next month. 🙂