Happy November!  It seems time is flying faster and faster the closer to the year we get.  We had an amazing Halloween dinner (yes, feels like years ago…) at Clay Pit.  We had so many crazy experiences there that I went ahead and dedicated a whole radio show to it, and the wonderfully haunted location, which has 3 different levels, each with their own paranormal flair.  If you would like to listen to that show, it’s available HERE:


and here are some pics from the dinner

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The File Name is Haunted Austin.  You can download it or stream it straight from the page.  We had a great time but missed a few people, hope we see everyone this month at House Pizza – this place is super casual and laid back, but the pizza looks AMAZING!  I thought we’d do something chill and low key since everyone will be scattering to the 4 winds for Thanksgiving, or busting ass at home cooking, so this it a total come as you are gig.  And did I mention it’s time again for……

EAST – East Austin Studio Tour!!  If you’ve never gone to this you have to go.

All the artists on the East Side open up their studios and show their work for two weekends in November, this weekend Nov. 16-17 and next weekend Nov. 23-24.  A lot of the studios have guest artists showing as well, so there is tons of art to see and purchase, and the artists are available to chat and just get to know.  We’ve got some favorite spots we visit every year, Kelly’s put together a map of locations that are really worth checking out that will be in the newsletter.  Also a lot of the studios have wine or beer and cheese and snacks, so added bonus there.  TPSC will be getting a group together to check out a few key winners, then head to House Pizza for dinner.  So if you are in the mood for great art, great weather and hanging out  with amazing people, then join us! The map will be on the Newsletter which I am sending out shortly.   One note about the newsletter, if you use Gmail it may be going to your promotions tab, which is really irritating – I’ll be sending the newsletter out today or tomorrow, so keep an eye out for it will you?  If you add TPSC to your address book it will always go to your main email.  It’s a pain I know but it makes me sad that all these newsletters go out into space, never to be open.  I want everyone to know what we’ve got going on – we do a lot outside of the dinners now and the info is all on the newsletter – so look for it, especially if you are local.  🙂

And as always you can make your reservation for this month’s dinner here:


I want everyone to know how thankful I am for all the connections TPSC has provided us in the past year and a half.  Things are moving fast and we are reaching more and more people every day.  I’m thankful to anyone who reads the blog and reaches out and connects.  This is what this blog, the clairvoyant blog and the whole group is all about.  If you need us, we are here, and I’m happy to hear from anyone and everyone.

Thank you for making the Traveling Psychic Supper Club what it is, a group for great companionship, support and friends, all revolving around our natural psychic gifts.  Cheers to everyone, love to all and I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving with your loved ones and families.  Thank you for being a part of mine.