I got an email in my inbox today from Chris Guillebeau, who by a Non-Random Co-Incidence I met yesterday at  Book People in Austin (You can check out the post here:)


This email put out a challenge to all the readers of The Art of Non-Conformity to make something that’s worth something available for FREE.  I am meeting the challenge by…giving away 2 FREE BUSINESS RELATED EMAIL READINGS, which are usually $25 apiece.


Here’s how it works: With an email reading you can ask me up to 5 questions related to your business that you would like for me to look at with a “psychic eye”.   If there is a specific area of struggle you would like to overcome or look at from a different angle please include it in your email.  Once I receive the email give me a couple of days before responding.  I’ll send you any information I receive, which you may or may not reply to, however you feel.  Then after about a week I’ll send a follow-up email checking in.  Usually after a reading the receiver will have a couple of “clicks” take place that shift their perception, or something will come into their lives that acts like a tool or catalyst to show a new path or direction.  So we do a little follow-up just to “close” the session.

One note:  I’m not wanting to see people’s actual  numbers, I’m a psychic, not an accountant!  But usually struggles with money aren’t with the money at all.  I can see things from a different point of view.

If you would like to learn more about my abilities and how I read please feel free to check out the About ME page before responding.  I’ll pick two people at random over the next couple of days to receive an Email Reading.  If you would like to be considered, please just leave a comment below, and I’ll email the “winners” back within about 10 days.


A special thanks to Chris again for making this challenge available to all AONC readers.  If you feel led to give something of value away for free, please take part in the challenge – and leave a comment so I can share it with my readers too.  Here’s the link to the ART OF NON-CONFORMITY challenge: http://chrisguillebeau.com/3×5/help-someone-for-free/

I’m posting this on my other blog as well – www.ifyoucouldseewhatihear.wordpress.com – so if you see this twice, I apologize!  Thanks as always for reading – now get out there and make someone else’s day.  🙂