I just came across this show, not by accident.  We never watch on demand.  But I came home and the TV was on OnDemand.  My son was asleep.  Just as I walked in it flipped to the screen showing what’s available.  And there it was.

Limitless. It caught my eye at just the right time. And I mentally bookmarked it.  Today I pulled it up and started watching.  Apparently this show is based on the movie with Bradly Cooper – which I vaguely remember coming out, but never saw either.

limitlessshow  limitlessmovie

I’m 10 minutes in, and I don’t really need to watch much more.  It perfectly describes how my mind works, – how the intuitive mind works – but WITHOUT the drug.  Like LUCY, remember that movie, she achieved full use of her brain, of consciousness really – before…fully becoming… everything… being everywhere and nowhere at the same time.  But again, we can access this WITHOUT the drug.


I work with a team of people who are accessing these places through the mind, in the consciousness – withOUT drugs.  Without the bump, Continue reading “Limitless”