NBC is bringing Heroes back.   Who isn’t stoked?  The show that captured so many people’s attention – the struggle between good and evil, the outsiders against the secret government agency that’s looking to wipe them out  behind the facade that they pose SUCH a threat to others when actually it’s the threat to the status quo that if they band together and succeed will be destroyed.  Heroes.  YEAH.  So let’s all sit back on our couches again and watch, and for an hour have something stir in us….until next week!


We keep eating the same spoonful over and over again.  Hollywood delivers it to us neatly packaged – with drama, excitement, some explosions, a little humor and for an hour in our homes, or two in the theater – or 8 if you binge watch Netflix…they set up franchises around the heroes that we all love – Star Wars, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings, Heroes, Walking Dead….Divergent…..Transformers….Interstellar.  The average Joe.  I don’t need to go on here, you get it.  There’s a hero in all of us.  Well, on screen anyway.  Buy the ticket, head to Comic Con…but there’s so much more – if you just look for it.  And it’s not out there, it’s all IN HERE.

There are real heroes inside of each of us.  Those heroes is WHO these shows and movies speak to.  There are those of us living these lives for real, just like in the shows and movies all around you.  We are connecting and developing.  We are not better, we just listened to that inner voice, got tired of the bullshit, refused the marketing and WOKE UP.   I know people all over the world  who are accessing exactly WHO THEY ARE – and we are coming together.   Real REGULAR people who woke up one day and said, “this is no longer enough…there is something ELSE and I’m going to find it.”  And they do.  We do.  We find each other.  Just like in the shows…the right people JUST SHOW UP.  When you move the blocks that are in the way – Need, Want, Drama, Caring what everyone else thinks….Man, your people show up.  And we are accessing and strengthening  a web that EVERY single person is a part of.  We are all gifted in our own way.  Each person has…something, or many things.  What’s your thing?  What is that thing you do?

Can you read people right away?  Do you just “get” ideas without the need to have them explained?  Do people feel comfortable enough with you, even standing in line at the grocery store – that they tell you their life story, then say, “wow, I don’t know why I  just told you all that.”  These are the little pieces that show up in real life, the string that leads to the bigger ball if you follow it.  We each have an end to a string that leads us to that bigger ball.  If you don’t let the mind get in the way – “that’s crazy” – “who do you think you are?  You’re no one special” – “Why did I think I could do that,  that’s silly”.  NO IT’S NOT.  You know it deep inside.  Your HERO knows it.  We all have something “special” we all have our “it” that connects us to another hero.  Don’t believe me?

I know people within my own group that communicate through telepathy and entrainment.

I know empaths that can feel other people’s emotions down to the core – within seconds.

There are people who can heal by proxy – meaning they draw pained people to them, to heal without even knowing the source of the wound.

Some of us see premonitions and remote view.

Some of us work world puzzles over and over again in our minds, seeing different outcomes, putting energies towards the most peaceful end.

Some of us simply hold space for the others doing the more intricate work.

Personally, because I have little memory of my own am able to access other people’s memories through the 5th dimension – and go back to a time where they experienced something incorrectly, which changed the trajectory of their entire future life.  I can’t explain how but I see and feel every emotion around the entire scene, by everyone involved.  Together we make the adjustment that brings them back to the way they are meant to be, we correct the incorrect experience, and bring them back into line of who they are truly are.  You don’t have to believe me, your mind, your ego will not.  But your HERO does.  Your hero already knows.  Right now your hero is working the puzzle in sped up time like a Rubik’s Cube.  You are already remembering all the things – those moments where something happened and you were like, “huh – what was that?”  Put those pieces together.  They are real.  I’m here to tell you, because I am living it every day that THIS IS REAL.  WE ARE ALL HEROES.  Some of us just forgot.

I’m not here to prove it, you already know.  I’m not here to impress you with me, I’m here to impress you with you.  Who is your HERO?  To some what we do is Supernatural.

But when you connect with your HERO what was SUPERNATURAL becomes super natural.  Join us.  Be who you were born to be.
