Cell Block Psychic                  Victim’s Advocate                    Helping others – what can you do?

Connections made while watching show            This is hard enough as it IS (Possible Rant to follow)

the BAM the slap in the face comments everywhere, what a surprise.           If you don’t like it, don’t watch it.

We are doing what we can with what we’ve got, and we aren’t living in houses of GOLD (for me – far from it.)


These are some thoughts I wrote down way back on July 2, after watching an episode of Cell Block Psychic so I wouldn’t forget.  I had never seen it before, and actually have not seen it since.  Flipping through the guide, I landed on a show with an interesting, catchy name – Cell Block Psychic.  (She wears an overcoat like this in a lot of the promo stuff…gotta love reality TV.  I doubt this is her normal everyday look…) Cell Block Psychic is how I came to meet Pat Pulley and her son, Jim.

I saw that there were a few shows playing in a row, so I taped them all, 3 total, to watch later.  I think this is going to end up being a series of posts around this very important day, so I hope you will check back later to keep up with what is going on around it, because something amazing began with watching this show – and it’s ongoing and unfolding still today.  So I’m going to pull from the list above and talk about a couple of things, then I’ll visit it again later, because like I said, this is the beginning, of something bigger.  Thank you for reading, and in turn becoming a part of it too.  At the bottom of this post, and in upcoming posts there will be an even bigger way to participate – if you choose to.

Oh and BTW this month’s diner has been set for September 17 at Buenos Aires Cafe –

A lot has been going on, so there is A LOT TO TALK ABOUT! If you are local – Austin – Join us!

 – you can make reservations HERE:


OK so back to Cell Block Psychic.  In the show a psychic medium (Vickie Monroe – www.vickiemonroe.com) does something people apparently  (judging from comments about the show on the internet) either love or hate.  She helps families of victims of violent crimes heal from the experience by connecting with their loved ones – the ones killed, but also by connecting with their attackers or killers – who are in prison.  – /So I’m going to step in here for a quick second and share my personal thoughts based on my own experience./ – THIS IS NEVER EASY TO DO.  For anyone who watches this show – and I know the intention behind it is one of love – the show isn’t sensationalized really, and the producers do a pretty good job of just telling the story, they aren’t trying to take advantage of anyone’s grief or pain, it’s actually trying to do the opposite.  For some reason a lot of people attacked the show, which I think is too bad.  I mean seriously, people are going into spaces taunting spirits and stirring up energy – just for ratings.

YES, I am looking at YOU Zach/Ghost Hunters…this frustrates me to no end.  That’s another post entirely.)

(Photo by Chris Weeks/WireImage)
(Photo by Chris Weeks/WireImage)

OK enough of that.

 Dealing with people who you know have harmed someone, is scary.  Going to a prison to interview someone – in a situation where you have no idea of what will happen or be said, I imagine, is terrifying.  Even in the controlled environment of a set, an inmate is a volatile element of the equation.  In my CASA work, I’ve had to sit across from people who I know have done terrible, unspeakable things.  AND CARRY ON A NORMAL CONVERSATION.  Being clairvoyant on top of it, I get another whole layer of the story.  So if you think this is easy, or fun, it’s not.  It’s just something that we are led to do, and something that must be done so that on some level healing can occur.  In Vickie’s case, Yes, there are cameras there, yes this is creating a show for – ultimately – ratings and entertainment.  But if you can help people along the way, and in such a deep and healing way…why should that be attacked?  I don’t know Vickie Monroe, but I can tell you – she was picking up the things she said she was, because while watching the show, I was also picking up on them – and other stuff, too.  And one story out of the three really caught my attention, and an individual stood out to me, and he wasn’t even one of the main characters, but an advocate brought in for additional information about batterers.  His name is Jim Pulley.

Jim’s mother was shot and killed by her abuser – her second husband, NOT Jim’s father.  They told a portion of her story on the show.   And Jim wrote a book about the experience – an amazing book that you can find here:  http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&page=1&rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3AJim%20B%20Pulley


I want to say a couple of things about Jim’s book.  When he handed it to me I knew it was something special.  It’s an interesting, unusual portrayal of abuse and murder from a peripheral viewpoint, but also from within the inner circle of the victim.  There are components that make the book fascinating on many levels.  There are references to Pat’s personal journals, words written in here own words, as well as actual police reports written by officers involved in the case.  If you are interested in forensics, CSI, or how police lead their investigations then this is a great read.  Jim does an amazing job of compiling all of this, as well as his own personal experience into a book that is an exciting, but also heartbreaking.  Especially for me because I know him, and his mom.  He is a wonderful, loving, giving, and in spite of his ordeal, happy man.  A man who loved his mother so much that he was able to wade through the waves of pain to tell her story.  And not only to tell her story and leave it at that.  No, not Jim.  He takes it to the next level.  He speaks to groups, individuals, anyone who needs to hear the message.  And the message is that EVERYONE MATTERS.  Everyone is loved by someone, and we all need each other.  That’s what I got from his book.  You can find out more about Jim and Pat Pulley at www.patcanhelp.com

If you have ever experienced abuse, know someone who has, or want to help someone avoid it in the future (I finished it and am giving it to both my 16 year old daughter and 13 year old son to read) – then pick up this book.  And don’t just read it, pass it along.

Initially, when watching the show I didn’t know why Jim stood out to me.  But he did.

And I heard, in my head, “You need to meet that guy.”  And I knew that I would.  Something else happened that day, and you can believe it or not, but it happened.  I met the amazing Pat Pulley too,  Jim’s mother who had been battered and killed by her abuser.


If you have been a victim of abuse and want to share your story, I am compiling stories that will be included in a book I am writing about the levels of abuse, what creates a victim, how to help loved ones that are being victimized and why some people remain victims and some do not.  I am asking people to share their stories so others may read them and connect – and understand they are not alone.  only first names and ages will be used, or you may ask to share anonymously.  Please, if you feel led to, or feel your story could help someone else, I invite you to send it in the form below.  Please if you know of someone who could benefit from sharing their story, feel free to pass this post along to anyone you like.  Sometimes even sharing, just getting it out there, even if it isn’t to be used in the book – helps.

One Note:  Please do not share stories from the media, or stories that are hearsay.  I ask is that you share only stories you or a direct loved one have experienced.  Anyone who sends a story agrees to and understands that they may be used in this publication, unless expressly requested otherwise.  Thank you, and let’s see what we can do together, to heal, connect strengthen and share.